
Ademola Ayokanmi's Blog

Why ISIL Festers in the Middle East and Other Parts of the World

The world is less safe than it was before the fall of Saddam Hussein and Libyan strong man, Mohammar Gaddafi and many continue to wonder why the terrorist groups such Islamic State of Iraq and Levon (ISIL), Al Shabab and Boko Haram hold sway around the world. The once dreaded terror merchant, Al Qeada terror rein is clearly a child play compared to the disturbing activities of the emerging groups.
Perhaps the West will ponder for a while and cast a reflection on the large investment she has made in the desire to get rid just one man in Iraq, the executed maximum ruler, Saddam Hussein of Iraq. Saddam Hussein, a victim of global political conspiracy has gone since 2003 but rather than make Iraqis life better, it is deplorable and pitiable.

Though Saddam Hussein was a dictator and a murderer but Iraqis slept in their homes with their eyes closed compared to the fear of being burst in the night by the dreaded group that calls itself Islamic State of Iraq and Levon (ISIL). It still bothers one how these condemnable lots hope to sustain their atrocities of beheading innocent people and molesting women in their areas of control from Iraqi Tikiit and Kurdish enclaves to Syria and Libya.
Unfortunately, the same blind and one-sided pro-Israel policy mistake of former President George Bush (Jnr) has also replayed itself though wrapped in another policy package but with same interests and objectives. Every policy thrust of the West is spurn by desire to please the Rabbin Scion in the United States. Again, President Barak Obama has craftily committed the same avoidable mistakes of the George Bush Jnr era. 

This time, it was to remove the Libya strongman Mohammar Gadaffi who was accused of staying too much in power and today close to five years after the killing of Gadaffi, the world is witnessing unprecedented orgies of violence and dehumanized acts from the fundamentalist Islamist group ISIL
It disheartening to behold that the West that promotes and champions human rights and democratic leadership would throw caution to the winds and commit policy blunder of such magnitude that resulted in social violence seen in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen.

Regrettably, most of this wars whether direct or by proxy were fought on a false pretense and untenable accusation, for instance Saddam Hussein was accused of having nuclear weapon he deploy in 15minutes (smoking gun and slam dunk politics) based on allegation of another corrupt and ambitious Iraqi opposition group leader, Chalabi. He thought by lying against Saddam, Americans will make him the president or prime minister of Iraqi. On the contrary, when Saddam Hussein was removed from power he fell out of favour with West. He was a pawn in the international politics chess board manipulations.

And when the war in Iraq was declare ended, peace advocates, anti-war groups and human rights activist demanded for the justification for the war that killed more than three thousand American soldiers while many more were maimed or disabled.

The financial resources committed to the destruction enterprise were massive, all because we want to remove Saddam. What about the cost to the Iraqis themselves and can that country ever be one or the same again. Your guest is as good as ours, if the war torn countries will still be one it will not be soon.
Some social commentators and keen watchers of global events have also joking observed and argued that most war aggression of the West usually stems from the desire to test the potency of their newly acquired military hardware and/or developed technology rather than the veil propaganda claims laid on human rights and global security. 

To an average ardent international politics watchers and analysts as well as progressives not the business interests propelled conservative elements of this world, the only justifiable war was that on Afghanistan soil. Iraqi is an aberration and policy miscalculation, a colossal waste of precious resources that would have greatly benefitted the vulnerable and poverty stricken regions of the world such as Sub Saharan Africa, South Asia and South America among others.
Come to think of it, it is high time the West wake up to the emerging facts and should not continue to design and hewn up policy thrusts that are meant to protect Israel’s exigencies. Israel is already a moral burden on the West and based on the increasing awareness of the people of the world it is time find a lasting solution to the plight of the Palestinians, whether the political gladiators and business interests who are profiting from the misfortunes of masses in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and other areas and Palestinian-Israeli conflicts like it or not.

Now, the theatre of war and global politics has been shifted towards Syria, Libya and Yemen, avoidable fallout of the West political fault line that has backfired as with the Iraqi mess. Libyans, of course were liberated from the sit-tight feudal control of Gaddafi but if a poll is conducted in that country or Iraq today most citizens of those troubled state will definitely prefer their life under the so called human rights abusers and undemocratic regimes of the past rulers. 
Some of these past leaders were not as bad as the West propaganda, mudslinging and arm twisting projected. Take the Libyan former, maximum ruler’s social welfare policy for example that took care of not only the weak and disadvantaged Libyans but foreign nationals resident in the country were also given adequate coverage in the social welfare package plan made possible by the oil windfall of the year 2000 and beyond. The welfare packages were luxuries of the past and beyond the reach of ordinary citizenry of that sectarian and tribal wars torn country. What then is the benefit of the West induced change when the people of the liberated countries are worse off than they were before the regime change.  

From all this policy weakness, it is obvious that the West needs to design, hewn and fabricate new international policy that not only will take into account her interests but juxtapose that with the welfare needs of the venerable groups and the weak ones. Future policy decisions and focus should be inclusive and mainstream the interests of the mass of the people that will bear the brunt of whatever consequences.

No doubt, the subsisting international policy focus in place is a mask that covers genuine intentions of the West, the time is thus ripe for major policy refocus and realignment for peace and security to rein in our world. The Western aggression under whatever guise is shredding into pieces the already fragile peace of the world and it needs fixing for the sake of the vulnerable ones.

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