
Ademola Ayokanmi's Blog

Ayatollah Khamenei Accused United States of Fabricating the Myth of Iran Nuclear Weapon

A new twist has been added to the Iranian nuclear deal, what appear to be cracks among the political actors in Iran has emerged as Iran spiritual leader, Ayatollah Khamenei has hinted that American Government fabricated the Iran’s nuclear weapon claim to blackmail the country into submission to its socio-political and economic domination. He accused America of being the world terrorist.

This latest development is a clear departure from the well praised nuclear deal hewn by the Western nations, Russia, China and Iranian Officials led by Javad Zarif, Iranian Foreign Minister. 

The deal which has been hailed a milestone and breakthrough in the effort to review the debilitating sanctions that has cripple her economy and reposition Iranian socio-economic policies as a result economic embargo imposed on her by the West, led by the United States of America and Britain to protect Israeli Government interests in the Middle East region.
In another related event, a senior Iranian Revolutionary Guard Officer was quoted as saying nuclear inspection team will not be allowed into military sites.

Already, Israel is skeptical of the nuclear deal and has called for the sustenance of the sanctions or strengthens them rather than removing them to disallow Iran from acquiring nuclear capability as well as stop her aggression in the region.
 Israel Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu has consistently accused Iran of sponsoring terrorist groups in Lebanon, Palestine and Syria among others.    

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