
Ademola Ayokanmi's Blog

Edward Snowden Again, Revealed US Government Hacking Plans on Chinese Embassy

The American fugitive and whistleblower, former National Security Agency (NSA) Edward Snowden is in the news again. Snowden in document just released alerted on the United States of America plans to hacking Chinese Embassy in Auckland, New Zealand. 

The American whistleblower revealed that New Zealand and United States spy agencies planned to hack into a data link between Chinese government buildings in Auckland.

According to the New Zealand Herald newspaper report on Sunday, Snowden claimed that a project run by New Zealand's Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) and the NS appeared aimed at tapping data linkages between the Chinese Consulate and its visa office in Auckland.

Snowden documents said the GCSB had identified the data link and agreed to cooperate with the NSA to use the link to access China's computer systems. Shed more light on the Chinese Embassy hacking plan, the New Zealand report disclosed that the hacking plan has been codenamed "Frostbite" by the GCSB and "Basilhayden" -- also identified as fictional spy James Bond's drink of choice -- by the NSA.

The paperwork based on Snowden documents revealed the GCSB worked with the NSA's elite hacker team -- the Tailored Access Operations division -- which specialized in cracking computer systems and planting spyware on computers.

Expectedly, Chinese Government on Sunday expressed her displeasure and concern about a report indicting New Zealand and United States spy agencies of plans to hack Chinese government buildings data link in Auckland.

It is on record that an NSA document in 2013 showed China at the top of the list of countries it has assigned the GCSB to monitor when it said the New Zealand agency gave the NSA "access to areas and countries that are difficult for the United States to access."

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