
Ademola Ayokanmi's Blog

Why Germany Beats France in Women’s 2015 FIFA World Cup in Canada

Though the dice has been and German women had outshone their counterpart from France through penalty shootouts on Friday’s night but overlooked facts had identified some inadequacy on the parts of the officiating FIFA officials and the technical teams of German team as well as their fellow women from France
In the match that was played in Montreal Canada yesterday, the first half presented a tough obstacle to the two contending teams but in the second half Louisa Necib put France in an initial lead with a deflected shot. Celia Sasic redeemed the chances of Germany in the encounter when she converted a controversial penalty to a goal, six minutes to the stoppage time. This error by the referee is viewed as a denial of France’s victory over German team.

French Gaetane Thiney who was substituted for Le Sommer before the end of 90 missed a close range goal during the extra before the match went into penalties that eventually nailed the ambition of the French women into a coffin. 

USA Team celebrating victory
Though, last night was the first time German Women's World Cup team will be going in for penalties, the German women were ready and prepared to make strong impacts in the world females soccer. Like their male counterparts who have made a habit of winning with penalty shootouts, on Friday the women appeared unshaken as they converted all their five penalty kicks to advance to the semi-finals stage of the tournament.

On the contrary, the inexperience of the French women and the miss-calculation of their technical team showed when Claire Lavogez missed her deciding kick for France giving Germany the shootout 5-4 win.
Whatever the excuses, the dice has been cast and the glory sold to Germany, all it remains for France is to go home and prepare for 2019 FIFA Women World CUP game.
Claire Lavogez missed deciding kick for France

Claire Lavogez  cries

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