
Ademola Ayokanmi's Blog

Can Arsene Wenger afford to Sell-off Joel Campbell for £4,000,000 profit

Known for his recent knack for making good returns on investment, many are wondering what  the Gunners’ Manager, Arsene Wenger will do with his club’s Costa Rican forward Joel Campbell in the face tempting offers from other European club sides.

As usual can he afford to trade-off Campbell for £ 4,000,000 profit this transfer window. Wenger had received alluring offer from the Spanish side Real Sociedad or Fenerbache according Daily Mail of London, on Campbell. The Spanish football club side set a budget target of £5,000,000 on the Gunners forward, the player he got with less than £ 1,000,000.

Arsene Wenger
During transfer window, Wenger has made prominent transfer from his club and the depleted squad at the Emirates needs to be replenished and fortified before the new season begins. Expectedly, Arsenal fans are looking forward to more football talents to join the club like the Coloumbian-Porto striker, Jackson Martinez cheering rumour of likely move from Porto FC to the Emirates Stadium after three years of speculations. The recent back-off by Italian machine, AC Milan no doubt rekindled the hope of Martinez moving to London.

Joel Campbell
But there are hurdles on the way as talks about Martinez moving to Emirates are not smooth sailing yet, there exist many obstacles. For instance Arsene Wenger might not be willing to part with the £25,000,000 release price tag being requested for by Porto on Martinez who will be 29 cum October as well as the Columbian thigh injuries worry to the Arsenal Manager. On the Porto side, the club is sticking to Martinez’s good selling points that had last season scored 67 goals in 90 matches for FC Porto.

Jeffrey Schlupp on the ball
There are speculations too about the possibility of Jeff Schlupp, the left wingback of Leicester City moving to the Emirates Stadium but this like every other transfer deal are still in the cooking and sketchy,  the real facts are yet to be seen. Other names that have lately being linked to Gunners camp transfer include Petr Cech, the goalkeeper of Arsene Wenger’s arch rival in the English Premier League (EPL), Jose Mourhinho. 

Petr Cech
Arsenal home and defense, after the exit of David Ospina  looks vulnerable and needs to be reinforced and bringing an experienced goalkeeper like Petr Cech of Chelsea FC on board the Arsenal squad looks good decision on the part of Emirates.

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