
Ademola Ayokanmi's Blog

Norway is the best Country in the World to be a Mother.

According to Save the Children yearly release on the status of mother, Norway is the best country in the world to be a mother. In 16th annual Mothers' Index by the international organisation that ranked 179 countries based on five social development indicators such as maternal health, education, income levels and the status of women, Norway comes first in ranking as the world's best place to be a mother. 

Norway is rated higher than the United States which dropped from its previous position of 31 to 33 after Japan, Poland and Croatia in the report released on Monday. American women have a one in 1,800 risk of maternal death, the worst level of risk of any developed country in the world. An American woman is more than 10 times more likely to die in childbirth than a Polish woman. The report said.

A deeper look into the social index report revealed the dominant position of Scandinavian countries who have repeatedly taken the lead in the Mothers' Index but Norway this year displaced Finland from the top of the table to be become the best. Australia is nine, the only non-European country in the top ten ranking while Canada is 9th with France and Britain coming behind at 23rd and 24th positions.

Overall, Save the Children warned, mothers are facing a tougher time as the world's landscape expands with survival gaps between rich and poor widening. Cities in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Ghana, India, Kenya, Madagascar, Nigeria, Peru, Rwanda, Vietnam and Zimbabwe have the worst outcomes for child survival, with children from poor families are three to five times more likely to die than their peers from wealthy backgrounds.

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